Easifix Rubber Lined BZP Pipe Clips M8/10
Easifix Unlined Bzp Clips M8/10
Description: Easifix Unlined Bzp Clips, Steel Pipe Supports and associated products are designed and manufactured to support primarily BS EN 10255 Steel pipework, (formerly BS1387 Steel pipe). The Rubber Lined and Unlined Pipe Supports are designed to support BS EN 10255 Steel pipework, formerly BS1387 Steel pipe, BS EN 1057 Copper tube, formerly BS2871 part 1: 1971 Copper tube, and also various forms of Plastic and Stainless Steel Pipework. The EPDM rubber lining provides cushioning between pipe and bracket, whilst also providing limited noise suppression.
Material: Manufactured predominantly of mild steel.
Finishes: The finish on the Steel range of products is predominantly a Bright Zinc Plated finish (BZP). Certain products can be supplied (made to order) with a Self Colour or Hot Dipped Galvanised finish.
Connections / Fixing Methods: Dependant on product. Metric bosses available on all types of Rubber Lined, Unlined Clips and on Bossed Split Band Hangers.
Country of Origin: China and India where applicable.